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Past Conferences and Events 

Since its establishment in 2012, the BTC has organised numerous conferences and workshops aimed at better understanding the internationalisation of higher education, the Bologna Process and implications for Europe, Israel and the world. The events were coordinated in partnership with the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung-Israel section. 

To view lectures from these events- see the BTC's YouTube Channel 

May 2012- BTC Launch Event
The Bologna Process: from Europe to Israel and Back
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The BTC's first annual international conference took place in May 2012, with the participation of European experts, representatives of higher education institutions as well as governmental representatives. The conference discussed the following issues: how can Israel learn from the Bologna Process? Which of the instruments can be implemented in Israel and what needs to be considered in order to implement them successfully?

November 2013- Planning and Managing International Projects 
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The purpose of the workshop was to introduce participants to the inner workings, of EU project development and implementation. The experts lectures provided participants with best practices for the planning and management of successful international  projects.

June 2013- Non OECD Countries' Responses to the Bologna Process 
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The BTC's second annual international conference which took place in Jerusalem, aimed to explore the Bologna Process through a wide international perspective. The speakers introduced the different ways in which OECD countries, that are not members of the European Union, coped with the Bologna Process and stressed the possibilities of action available for the Israeli higher education system vis a vis the European Higher Education Area.  

Conference Programme

May 2014- Approaching Europe: Israel and the Knowledge Based Society
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The conference sought to examine the European experience in higher education policy and reform, focusing on the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and Bologna Process in particular, in order to shed light on this global process and explore the implications for the Israeli higher education system. 

November 2014- Managing International Projects in Times of Crisis

 The internationalisation of higher education requires a large degree of international cooperation and mutual trust. These elements become even more complex in times of crisis, as academic cooperation is subject to external influences and international pressures. What are the obstacles to academic internationalization in times of crisis? How can institutions and policy-makers overcome these challenges? The BGU-KAS Roundtable put its focus on these questions through a discussion of the challenges and potential answers to pursuing academic internationalization in times of crisis.

June 2015- Ranking and Benchmarking in Higher Education: exploring new perspectives 
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 Against the backdrop

of the ever-growing prominence of rankings and their implications for

internationalization of higher education, the conference examined the importance of

rankings and benchmarking in the higher education sphere, discussed

methodological issues, as well as explored implications for both university and

national policy making. The conference also aimed to ask: What is the place

of social responsibility in university benchmarking? This question was explored

by representatives of the National Union of Israeli Students who will present an

alternative vision to benchmarking, offering a student perspective to the issue of

academic ranking.

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